eimi × SHIBUYA GIRLS POP(渋谷ガールズポップ)のコラボ・スタンプ


A pure boy Uranari-kun and a mischievous girl Lill Devil-chan. What will happen to their love!?


A secret story of how Uranari-kun and Lill Devil-chan were born.
Originally, Uranari-kun and Lill Devil-chan were not a couple. Lill Devil-chan was born out of Uranari-kun’s imagination (lol).
Uranari-kun is a fair-skinned, typical hardworking student wearing glasses and a school uniform who studies hard but is not good at sports.
Lill Devil-chan is a mischievous girl who always plays tricks on the one she loves.

Although Lill Devil-chan is an ideal girl for Uranari-kun, she always gets him in trouble as she develops her personality. (Even so, he loves her…)

I tried to express the dialogue between the two playing with each other in a well-balanced manner. I hope you will like the stamps.

Please use the stamps not only with your lover but also with your friends.
Lill Devil-chan suits the situation when girls want to send a lovely message to their female friends. Uranari-kun stamps may be used by boys who want to send a message to their girlfriend when they want attention.


  • 1好きだけど…お返しにアイスクリームをぶつけちゃおう
  • 2大きなハート、あげます
  • 3もじもじサンキュー
  • 4ごめんなさい
  • 5ちょっとおませな気分で
  • 6いただけません
  • 7ぎゅっとしてYES!
  • 8ノーノー!しっぽで反抗
  • 9調子はいかが?
  • 10恥ずかしくなるくらいのHappy
  • 11衝撃的!
  • 12たのしくバイバイ
  • 13おねだり
  • 14電話してして!
  • 15あたらしい朝
  • 16また明日、写真におやすみ
  • 17怒り狂う!
  • 18焦って焦って汗汗汗
  • 19しんじられない!ギザギザショック
  • 20どんよりドクロ
  • 21はてなの大渋滞
  • 22ケセラセラ!モーマンタイ?!
  • 23鋭いひらめき
  • 24ちょっとひとやすみ
  • 25キラキラ このきもち分かってくださいませ
  • 26ハートあげる
  • 27ドキドキわくわく
  • 28ひみつにしてね おねがいね
  • 29たべちゃう!
  • 30おいしい組み合わせ いただきまーす!
  • 31ねむいおやすみ
  • 32おそらく、とても真剣に考え中
  • 33猛勉強!
  • 34じーーー
  • 35膝から崩れ落ちる
  • 36ツンツン 大丈夫?
  • 37いそげいそげー!
  • 38いそいでいます!
  • 39グットラック!応援しています
  • 40「雨です」「雨ですね」

  • ●Explanation of each stamp
  • 1. I love you, but…I crush ice cream against you!
  • 2. I give you a big heart.
  • 3. (I’m embarrassed to say this, but…) Thank you.
  • 4. I’m sorry.
  • 5. OK. (Like an adult)
  • 6. I hate it.
  • 7. Yes, I love it!
  • 8. No way! (with my tail)
  • 9. How are you?
  • 10. I’m so happy!
  • 11. What?!
  • 12. Bye (happily)
  • 13. Can you do me a favor?
  • 14. Call me!
  • 15. Let’s get the day started.
  • 16. Good night. (to you in the photo)
  • 17. I’m really angry!
  • 18. Oh, my god!
  • 19. Unbelievable!
  • 20. I feel really depressed.
  • 21. I don’t get it.
  • 22. Whatever happens happens.
  • 23. I’ve got it.
  • 24. Let’s take a break.
  • 25. It’s gorgeous. Don’t you think so?
  • 26. I give you my heart.
  • 27. My heart is beating.
  • 28. Please keep it a secret.
  • 29. Let’s eat!
  • 30. Nice combination. Let’s eat!
  • 31. I’m sleepy. Good night.
  • 32. I’m thinking seriously...
  • 33. I’m studying hard!
  • 34. I’m watching you.
  • 35. I’m crying.
  • 36. Are you OK?
  • 37. Hurry up!
  • 38. I’m in a hurry!
  • 39. Good luck! I’m on your side.
  • 40. “It’s raining!” “Exactly.”